Elevator Pitch
My motto is: The data is the only food when you eat you get more hungry
Work-life balance
Not-Tech agnostic, tech opinionated
Test driven development
Data as a product
Agile development
Focus on 3 things a year:
Private! Family, health, pleasure, and self-growth
Mastery at work, work on a side project, persue long-life-learning goal
Contribution - find and contribute to the open-source repository, share knowledge by giving trainings and writing articles\
So, somewhere that’s easily accessible (ideally your home page or “about” page), you should include a summary—no more than two to three paragraphs long—laying out the most important things about you. This could include major companies you’ve worked for, projects you’ve worked on that you’re most proud of, your “superpower” as a professional, and even a little personality. Imagine people coming to your site and only reading this one section. What would you want them to take away? If you’re not sure where to get started, check out Alexandra Franzen’s advice on how to tell people what you do and be remembered—then translate that into your written bio.