
5 February, 2020    analysis

The idea the power of language LET THE DATASET CHANGE YOUR MINDSET

  1. Limit the talk to the one idea - single idea you are passionate about
  2. Give time to explain the idea properly
  3. Explain the context by the example
  4. Everything connected and circling back together
  5. Steer your audiences’ curiosity, ask provocative questions
  6. Why doesn’t smith makes sense and needs fixing
  7. Build your idea piece by piece based on the concepts which audience already understand (their language)
  8. Metaphores can play a crucial role
  9. Make your idea worth sharing, who does it benefit (be honest with the answer)

The story structure 1. How to incorporate-the presentation into the story? 2. Act 1 - Beginning (the audience is hero of an idea) Likeable hero, encounter roadblocks 3. Status quo (level 0), elevate the roadblock (level 100), sail back and forth like a boat, what is and what it could be 4. Act 2 - Middle 5. Act 3 - End - call to action (at very end) the utopia with the idea adopted; how the world will gonna look, in a poetic and very dramatic way; 6. Maybe finish the personal story, at which time we make a choice (you can change your world - the future is the pace you gotta create)

A few summary points: Be clear on the purpose of your presentation Use the hook to ignite the interest of your audience Lead with the strongest point! Simplify the message Keep the audience engaged Throughout your presentation, link relevant facts and data back to the audience’s needs